
CSM has partnered with some of the world’s most innovative manufacturers - including Milnor, Multimatic, Chicago, Secomatic, Sankosha and Ajax - in order to create customer-specific solutions for all of your textile care needs.

  • Milnor Pulse Flow Tunnels

    Faster washing

    Minimal water consumption

    Reduced energy consumption

    More efficient use of chemicals

  • Milnor F-series Open Pocket Washer-Extractors

    Max Capacity(lb.): 275

    Cylinder Volume(cu.ft.): 42

    Cylinder Diameter (ins.): 48

    Cylinder Depth(ins.): 40

    Overall Width(ins.): 82.5-85.5

    Overall Depth(ins.): 96.5-111.98

    Run Height(ins.): 98.25

  • Milnor MWF Series Washer-Extractors

    Max Capacity(Ib.): 60-275

    Cylinder Volume(cu.ft.): 9-42

    Cylinder Diameter(ins.): 30-48

    Cylinder Depth(ins): 22-40

    Overall Width(ins.): 39.75-70

    Overall Depth(ins.): 57.48-91

    Overall Heght(ins.): 65.67-90.44

  • Milnor MWT Series Washer-­Extractors

    Max Capacity(lbs): 22-80

    Cylinder Volume(cu.ft.): 3.4-12.4

    Cylinder Diameter(ins.): 23-36

    Cylinder Depth(ins): 14-21

    Overall Width(ins.): 29-40.29

    Overall Depth(ins.): 36.31-52.13

    Overall Heght(ins.): 43.2-60.81

  • Milnor Self-Service Washer-Extractors

    Max Capacity(Ibs): 22-60

    Cylinder Volume(cu.ft.): 3.4-9

    Cylinder Diameter(ins.): 23-30

    Cylinder Depth(ins.): 14-22

    Overall Width(ins.): 29-34.45

    Overall Depth(ins.): 36.31-51.85

    Overall Heght(ins.): 43.2-56.38

  • ST Series - Perc Solvent (4th generation)

    Capacity(kg): 9-34

    Volume(L): 180-600

    Wash Speed(rpm): 34-35

    Computer: KH207

    Solvent: PERC